Friday, January 30, 2009

Take Action

I know everyone is busy, but we would be most grateful if you took a few minutes to write your legislators in support of the Pancreatic Cancer Research and Education Act (HR 745). It was introduced in 2008, but evidently there was not time before the close of the session for it to be discussed and passed. Now that congress has reconvened, it is crucial that we demonstrate support for this very important bill. It would be the first pancreatic cancer legislation in history.

Please take the time to copy and paste the address below enter your browser, click on the first option (to write a letter to your representative), enter your zip code, and send a note of support to your representatives. There is already a letter template for you. Just sign your name and hit send!

Thank you!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jan 29th

Mom and dad went to up to Cape this morning so dad could get some blood. Apparently they didn't have the right type of blood so dad came back home. They're going back up to try it again tomorrow. They're still out of power.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"It is what it is"

Good Afternoon! I hope most of you have found a warm place to lay low for a few days. Most of you will have to have a generator so you can read this. It sounds like SE Missouri got hit pretty hard. I spoke with dad earlier and he seemed to be doing OK. He said this was the worst ice storm they’ve had since the 1950’s. They lost power at 5:00 yesterday and have limbs in the yard and on the house. The fireplace is keeping the house warm and they think they have plenty of supplies to last for several days. Dad was in the process of trying to rig up a way to make coffee for mom when I spoke with him earlier. Mom got her first camping experience cooking chicken noodle soup over the fire.

Dad had a CT scan on Monday and should get the results early next week. He didn’t have a treatment this week but is scheduled to get a couple quarts of blood tomorrow. He’s had increased pain in his chest the last couple of weeks and is continuing to lose weight. He’s also been running a fever that last few days although I think it’s came down a little with the help of some antibiotics. The appointment next week is important. We’ll have a better idea of how the cancer is reacting to the treatments. Depending on the results, the doctor may decide to switch things up because the body adapts to the treatments over time.

We continue to hope for the best and appreciate the continued support we are receiving from friends and family. With me and Angie living hours away your love and support for dad has made us feel a little more comfortable about not being there on a day to day basis. I know he’s in good hands. Dad’s spirits are still good and he’s putting faith in God to heal him. We understand God cannot heal everybody, but we have to keep in mind that healing someone is extremely easy for God to do. Please continue to pray for dad if you get a chance. If you’re not a prayer, your wishful thinking and positive thoughts are greatly appreciated as well.

On a side note, I really enjoyed the Wildlife Banquet at the church last weekend. I can only imagine how much work something like that takes. That was top notch. I want to thank all the men and women that made it possible. The banquet has always been something my family has enjoyed. I hear rumors about a winter theme next year. I’m looking forward to it.

We’ll keep you posted,

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Treatment today

Dad received a Gemzar treatment today. His labs looked good with the exception of a slightly high liver enzyme level. Elevated liver enzymes can evidently be caused by the chemo. Anyone know anything about this?? He's a little tired, but thankfully doing well overall.