Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Kidney Stone

Good Evening,

Last week dad had a few unusually bad days. He lost his appetite and was a little slow getting around. One evening when I was home, he came and got me from the living room and had me take a look at what looked to be a small rock in the bottom of the toilet. Sure nuff, he had passed a kidney stone about the size of a soybean and didn't even feel it. After passing it you could see a noticeable difference in his behavior. He slowly started getting his appetite back, just in time for a two day eating bender.

Looking back on things, the increased pain in his back was probably from the kidney stone. He has been living with pain since his diagnosis so when he spoke about the back pain we assumed it was the cancer, or possibly a bulging disc or something. Dad also has referred pain, especially when when mom is draining the fluid around his lungs.

They're draining the fluid around his lungs every two days instead of every day to try and cut down on the risk of infection. The nurses are still coming by the house but their procedure is to teach the caregiver how to drain the fluid. Thankfully, Aunt Joan has been coming by and helping mom drain his lungs, or the sac around his lungs.. On average they drain about 350 mL every other day. The fluid looks like cherry kool aid. Draining the fluid is a two person job. Needless to say, it's not a pleasant experience for anyone involved. The pressure really builds up around dad's lungs as the fluid builds. He also has pockets of air in his right lung where tumors have closed off portions of his lung. He's usually extremely short of breath when he wakes up in the morning.

We haven't called in hospice, although it has been recommended. Insurance won't pay for hospice and other treatments at the same time. And to be honest, dad doesn't want to call in hospice, for what ever reason right or wrong, so we're waiting on him to make the decision when he feels comfortable. He knows his options. Therefore, were going to try and get a few things taken care of in the meantime. One being a sonogram on this Thursday to get an idea about the kidney stone, the other is to take dad to STL in April to talk to a doctor about doing another nerve block. The purpose of the nerve block is to deaden nerves that usually are affected by the cancer. In theory, we may be able to control some of the pain with the nerve block which could decrease the amount of pain medicine dad has to take. They did a nerve block on him shortly after he got diagnosed but the block only works for about a year.

When I was home last week dad got out of the house a little and ran a few errands with me. When I was over at my grandmas fixing her porch light I looked back one time and he was sweeping off the porch. You pretty much have to go over there and put him in time out or something.

Two phase one clinical trials opened up but dad decided he didn't want to do them. They had potential to be a little toxic. We support his decision.

I'll try and make a post when I find something out on the sonogram. In the mean time, prayers are still encouraged, pleasant thoughts are welcome.

Take Care,

PS: Turkeys are gobbling in central MO. It's a good time of year to get out early and listen for them. I'm saving a spot for dad this spring. Just in case he feels like getting out. It's a long shot, but you never know, when he first got diagnosed I didn't think he would ever fish or hunt again. That was two deer seasons and numerous fishing trips ago. I may just have to bring a turkey home and put it in the back yard where he can shoot it. Just joking, we're not that country. Well, maybe we are, heck, now I'm trying to figure out a way to put a turkey in the back yard. I better go to bed.

Talk to you later,