Friday, February 26, 2010


Dad says to thank everybody for your visits, phone calls, prayers, and messages. He also says to thank everyone for how you have supported mom, Tim, and me.

We're still waiting--dad had a blood transfusion this morning-his second. He has a chest tube in the right side of his body which is continuing to drain blood. The doctors are not sure of the source of the blood. His blood pressure is low, and the doctors are not sure why it is remaining so low. His nurse, Dillard (who's great) just told us that the BP should have come up following the transfusions and following a meal. So, that's a concern. Dad is in a moderate amount of pain, but they are managing it fairly well with medications. He's very lethargic, but still talking and eating a little bit. If the blood continues to drain from the lungs tomorrow, they will try to perform an exploratory procedure to identify the source. So...that's where we are and what we know.

We've read dad your messages. He was very touched to hear from you all.

Gotta run, the pastor just brought us in a basket of chocolate!
