Good Evening,
Dad is continuing to take treatments and shots every two weeks. His vision is blurred at times and his right leg has gone completely numb. I believe the numbness is neuropathy brought on by the chemo and the blurred vision is a symptom of the cancer. He's been fighting a cold the last week or so but I think he's got it under control. Dad still has his appetite and his weight loss has stabilized for the time being. I think he's lost around 115 pounds.
Since the last post mom and dad have traveled down to Alabama to help Ang with a yard sale and to Branson with family friends Merlin and Joyce. I've attached a picture from the trip to Branson.
Angie's baby (Sam) is due this week. Mom and dad are planning on making the trip to help take care of Ben when the baby comes. Dad's planning on coming up here in a couple of weeks for deer season. Not sure if he'll be able to hunt or not but I've got him a big one scouted out if he decides to.
Thanks for the continued support,
Take care,