Good Evening!
I just got home after spending the last 5 days with mom and dad. I have to say that this trip was by far the most relaxing trip we've been on since dad's diagnosis. We had a blast. We spent a few days in Branson where we caught an air show that included a B-2 Bomber and the Thunderbirds followed by a surprise trip for mom at a property (Paradise Lake) north of Springfield. Dad and I fished while mom posted up with a book most of the time. The hardest choice for mom for a few days was whether to read in the hot tub or next to the firepit overlooking the 5 acre private lake. This place was great. Very secluded. The first thing mom asked me as we were traveling by the dairy farm on the way back to the property was if we were lost. I hated to leave. Mom said it reminded her of where she grew up next to the Whitten Lakes near Little River.
Dad is obviously very weak. He refuses to give up and continues to tell us he feels fine. His white blood count is low and he has to go in to take a shot Saturday morning to help raise the count. After he gets his shot they're going up to the Cardinals game for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Networks day at Busch Stadium.
Dad planted a garden last week. Hopefully the storms didn't level it.
I hated to leave them today.
Please continue to pray for my father.