Dr. Sorscher and Sheri, his nurse, continue to be amazed at dad's optimism and drive to fight this cancer. They contribute his success to treatment up to this point to his attitude.
Dad participated in the creation of the annual Wildlife Dinner at church. The men transformed the church gym into a wildlife spectacular, complete with once-live bears, leopards, moose, deer, boar, and many other animals. Even amidst an ice storm, the wildlife dinner was a huge success. The Bixler men were invited on stage to perform their famous hambone.Can't wait for that video to surface on you tube (wink).
The ice storm devastated most of southeast Missouri. Mom and dad lost many of their trees. Tim worked all day piling up as many of the branches and limbs as he could.
Ben and I spent several days with mom and dad in Sikeston. He loves getting spoiled almost as much as they love spoiling him. Dad even tolerated Barney for an afternoon.....sort of.......
Mom made a poignant statement today. She said she misses how simple life used to be. Now, if you know my mom, you know she rarely complains about anything in her life. This was not delivered as a complaint, but as a somber reflection. She commented how much different things were pre-cancer....when days didn't revolve around chemo drugs and side effects, phone calls with insurance companies, trips to doctors, fear over blood levels, chemo reactions, and the unknown. I many times find myself becoming overwhelmed at the busyness of our lives, but mom reminded me in her gentle way that though things are stressful, life is full of many blessings. The simplicity and busyness of each daily opportunity and obligation and accomplishment should be fully embraced and appreciated because, "That's just what we've always done." I have never heard her complain about any detail involving dad's care. She is living her vow, "in sickness and in health" with love and devotion that is deeply admirable.
Aunt Marge emailed this to me a few weeks ago and I loved it....
When God leads you to the edge of the cliff, trust Him fully and let go, only 1 of 2 things will happen, either He'll catch you when you fall, or He'll teach you how to fly! Seems appropriate for dad's blog.
Hope you all are well and warm and loved,