Mom and dad just left Columbia to head back to Sikeston. Dad had a treatment last Tuesday, took the pump off Thursday, and headed up here Thursday afternoon. We had a good time although dad was extremely weak. We watched the city's fireworks on the 4th, spent some time at the
winery on Saturday, went to the farmers market, did some work around the house, etc... Dad got stung by a wasp when we were working outside. His hand swelled up a little. Wasn't anything a little vinegar and baking soda wouldn't take care of. I've attached a picture from the 4th.
The treatments are starting to knock dad more that they used to. He's still losing weight. Over 115 pounds. It amazes me that he's still getting around like he is. He stumbles around a little when walking but keeps on going. He's definetly a fighter. I question whether I'd be able to handle something like this as well as dad has. Probably not. My observation is that he's struggling to keep going, although he doesn't gripe or complain. I think he's trying to teach me a lesson, all of us for that matter. His own words to me this weekend were. "You gotta keep on going, never give up, no matter what the situation."
I hope those of you close to the situation get something positive out of dad's fight against cancer. Deep down I don't think he's fighting for himself, it's for all the people he loves. Dad's always seemed to live for everyone else. Caring for others more than himself. As I've grown older I realize how hard it is to live like dad. It's admirable.
Dad has to go to Cape for shots that will boost his white blood cells Thursday thru Saturday of this week. He'll probably take another treatment next Tuesday.
Hope all of you had a good 4th.